I don't really know if I like this musician or more precisely speaking, the artist . But everytime I see his new albums in the CD shop, I would stop in front of them and think is it worthy a try? is it beautiful? Does it bring something new and interesting or completely unaccepable? all these are my experiences of listening to his music.

I almost have a collection of his recordings, from the well known classical pieces of Mozart, Beethoven, and Vivadi to contemporary composer's music, like Philip Glass, Arvo Part and particularly, Piazzaolla, the master of Tango music.
Couldn't remember the first time I listened to Kremer's version of Tango music, but it completely broke down my idea of it. Though never heared of it, I alway think tango music is passionate with quick tempo and make people excited. But it went very deep and for some unkown reasons, brings a sense of sadness( talking about severl songs in the album of "Tango Ballet"). I guess that's part of the sound effect of string instrument, however, the way he plays it probably works more.

Anyway, it's because of Kremer, I know the music by Piazzaolla. Don't like all of them, but some of them are really touching and beautiful. In this sense, I really admire him and appreciate the way Kremer doing his art, as he said,
"As an artist I am also alway a traveller, and as such in search of an ideal."
I have to say I don't like all his innovation on music, but Ialway expect him bring me something unexpected.