Did not realize the painting looks like a weird combination of Van Gogh's several works in the beginning. Just someday when I was cleaning up the room, I found it in the conor. And begin wandering whether it represents my homage to Van Gogh or just kind of plagiarism- be it consciously or unconsciously.
Still remember how impresssive it was when I first saw the Starry Night of his, even though it was just a fake one. I was studying star watch during that time and I knew he got it-the beauty of night. Not a single picture of high tech could compete with his works which told me more about the sky than all the others.
Never doubt that one of the main reasons to push me to do oil painting is Van Gogh but now I feel a bit sad about the similarity between mine and his. It's already a sad thing to copy nature on the canvas, what's more, is to copy somebody's. (And, the saddest thing is it is not as good as his.......)
Van Gogh's passion to painting natural scenes moves me, but what can move me from his style of painting? Nature itself?