Monday, September 24, 2007

The Anderson Project- A Modern Fairy Tale

一直到看了破報之後才知道這個這齣戲的主角Robert Lepage和之前在台北電影節看到自編自導自演電影《在月亮的彼端》的是同一人。於是又抱著想看本尊的心情買下昂貴的票......總之,一切都值得。


"I knew that this world end as a Hans Christain Anderson story, where human who have longings and desires die, and animals have lots of children and live happily ever after."

整齣戲好像是透過安徒生的眼睛,來看待安徒生本身的故事與他所創作的童話故事;他與他的故事在兩百年後的今天,也成了一個故事,而且是非常安徒生式的 —到最後那些對世界有所期待的都會不著痕跡的消失,就像樹精變成一滴眼淚,人魚化為泡沫一樣,只是這次是一團灰燼。

<--- Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary --->
fairy tale
(also fairy story) noun
1 a story about magic or FAIRIES, usually for children:
the prince in a fairy tale
2 a story that sb tells that is not true; a lie:
Now tell me the truth: I don't want any more of your fairy stories.

果然在現代人的定義裡,a fairy tale equals to a lie

but as Picasso said, "Art is lies that tell the truth"
Lepage may think the same way

i do believe that somewhere on the platform, we see truth in the "lie"